Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Human Growth and Development - Looking Through My Teen Eyes

By: Musue N. Haddad, MIPP

How many times do we sit and begin discussing our childhood and teen years with others? Probably rarely! Well, recently, I found myself going through that herculean task. This task was imposed on me by a researcher who was analyzing how experiences in childhood and teen years influence human growth and development. While taking a journey back into my teenage years, I found myself flipping though pages containing activities, and events of my life that had become dormant over the years. The recollection of those events and memories that had become hidden and inactive in my mind was very stunning. For example, I had almost forgotten how I used to spend hours brushing my father's hair. Until recently, I never thought for a single moment that such a routine activity that I considered precious would have ever been embossed, but deeply obscured in my mind. The question then is whether I had voluntarily selected not to remember many things in my life, or that I had become preoccupied with new situations in my life and had put many things out of my mind?

As I started my trip back into time, the information and images recovered were amazing. Frankly, some images were blurred, but several trails and events about my childhood, my teen years and my life began to unfold gradually. I completely recaptured the local woven chair my late dad and my late mother usually sat in. The recollection was vivid and emerged as if I had picked up the chairs and stood before a gigantic mirror. My mind played this interesting games with me - I found myself standing in front of shelves and furniture in my childhood home looking at pictures, jars, tables, and the layout of the environment where my late dad sat when I brushed his hair.

While reflecting on that singular event, some of the daily routines started to take place in my mind, including the time of the day my father would take his lunch break from chores, and I would run to my mother. Thinking of those moments made me laughed: it's like I was a spider trying to grab the "lion's share' of both my Dad's and my Mom's world. How they cope with my child like behavior and my childish expression of my unsorted love to both of them is something I wish I could ask them.

Reflecting on my teenage years brought me tons of memories about my childhood. The journey into my past was filled with sorrows, pains and happiness a journey that was truly rewarding. It felt like opening an encyclopedia - my own encyclopedia that sketched out just about everything about my life as a child, and my teen years.

As I discussed a few of these thoughts with a friend recently, the person thought my experiences and feelings would make for a good article. At first, I brushed the idea aside, but later, I realized that perhaps, just perhaps, such an article might stimulate some brainstorming- maybe stir up more memories, including my war experiences, my life as a refugee, and my life in exile - away from my home, my friends and families. Truly, from the moment I started writing this material, my mind has been flooding with a lot of important scenes that I have ignored over the years. Even now, as I try to reflect on my childhood years, I realized that though I may have grown up in a rural setting, I experienced a lot of wonderful things that helped shaped my life. A tomboy, I enjoyed sports, and was mostly captain of the girls sports team. As captain or member of a sports team, partaking and winning a very competitive game was always considered some of my best days. My hometown friends, school mates and team mates would jubilate and talk about our experience on the field for days and weeks ahead.

Then again, within my family circle, some of the best moments I cherish are when my father would take me to visit his friends in Zorzor city or to one of the towns and villages on a market day. While on those trips to Ziggida, Bui, or Fissebu markets, among others villages and towns or just visiting my dad's friends, my father would sometimes place me on his lap during the drive and sing songs to me. I still relish those beautiful moments to see and feel his gentleness, the beautiful smile on his face and the sootiness of his voice. But then again, when I was with my mother, some of the best things were when she took the time to tell me stories about her life and her family. I quite remember looking profoundly at my Mama's face as she stared deeply, while narrating those true life stories. Though I remember a few oral histories my mother handed down to me, I have not succeeded in recalling some of the many things she said. However, the moments she shared these stories were captivating: the closeness, the trust and calmness on her face.

Outside of sports and my family, one of the best things that happened to me was passing the junior high West African Examination Council Examination. My passing the regional exam meant being promoted to the 10th grade, but it also resulted to my school maintaining its status as a junior high school. Prior to my passing the West African Examination Council (WAEC) exam, my school was one of those placed on a critical list of losing its Junior High Status if it failed again to justify its capability to maintain a junior high status. I remembered that day when a delegation from the school was visiting my father. On that day, I was out, and had received the call to immediately return to my father. The tone of the message was quite alarming. My hands became sweaty. It was one thing to get on the wrong side of my late, dad, but quite another to consider the idea that I would be scolded. I hated being reprimanded in public or in the presence of others. On the other hand, the thought of being literally scolded is always dreadful. So I went to my dad with tears ready to flow from my eyes. When I arrived, I was again confused to see a high delegation from the school seated. You can only imagine my thoughts. The school I was attending at that time was newly elevated to a junior high level. The entire first batch of 9th graders who sat the West African Exam the previous year failed the test. During the second year, that is the year that I was among candidates for the West Africa Exam; was the final chance the school had to maintain its status as a junior high school. That is, if all of us had failed, the status of the school would be immediately dropped to that of an elementary school. As a new student, I was not aware that the school was facing such challenge. Few months after the Examination, some high profile officials from the educational system visited my family: the Regional Educational officer, the school's principal, vice principal and some teachers. The visit was to inform my parents that I was the only student who had passed the Examination; and that my passing had saved the school from being sliced to an elementary level.

As a lively person, the County Educational Officer at that time, Mr. Clinton was even more jovial than ever. The school's principal, Mr. Flomo and other staff of the school went into all the "nitty gritty" of my work, but I was still 'thawing out' the fear and apprehension brought about by my father's stern call. However, my passing the ninth grade meant I would have to relocate to another school to complete high school. That relocation would mean leaving the "nest" of my parents, and leaving my friends.

However, visiting my hometown and childhood friends were trips I anxiously looked forward to during vacations. I also enjoyed exploring the bushes, and playing in the rivers and creeks, carrying water on my head, and trying hard to learn to fish using the traditionally woven fishing net. Unfortunately, fishing was a skill that I failed to acquired, simply because I feared being bitten by reptiles that I strongly believed were hiding in unclean rivers and creeks. I would join the fishing expedition, but would jump out of the river or creek when it became unclear or muddy.

Another wonderful experience of visiting my hometown that I keep reflecting on, even today is that my friends and I would pick up life and activities from where we had left off without recognizing that we had been apart for several months. Isn't that interesting!

As I reflect on my life as a child and then a teenager, I am grateful for my development. My experience as a journalist, a teacher and a parent have given me the ability to assess how our parents, families and caregivers play important roles in our development, and social advancement. Personally, my caregivers were my parents, and family members. My parents were strict, but loving. They taught me many things, including the value of honesty, the importance of maintaining my reputation, and that education is the key to success. Those lessons and skills helped me to remain hopeful in the face of trials and temptations, and were values that helped me survived the senseless war that engulfed our country, and resulted to the deaths of over 250,000 persons, and the displacement of over one million persons.

My mother always told me in order to be successful; I needed to learn to be independent, and also dependent.

Now you may be asking how can one learn to be independent, and still learn to be dependent? Quite frankly, when my mother urged me to learn to be both independent and dependent, her idea at that time seemed farfetched. Then as I grew up, all I thought about was learning to be independent, and her idea became even more implausible and mind-boggling. Under other conditions, I would have chased Mama's idea from my mind, but apparently, as little as I was, my confidence in Mama was deeply unwavering, and that faith secretly nudged me to hold on to Mama's concept. That is why, later in life, I fetched Mama's idea about being independent, and learning to be dependent. I realized that in order to survive, we must learn the necessary skills that will make us independent. However, to be successful, we must learn to be dependent and well as independent. That dependency attitude doesn't mean we must depend on others for survival or depend on others to be successful. It simply means learning to be a part of a team, and learning to work with others- collaboration, networking, people's skills because we live in a world, and among people from different cultures and background. Many years after leaving my Mama's cradle, I returned again to visit. We sat again and reflected on things of old: learning to cope with challenges, and being independent and learning to be independent. We talked about these things, not in isolation, but as we revisited circumstances that brought about these lessons. This time, I became the moderator, and then the analyst. My mom was the single audience. My Mama would begin the lesson with, “You remembered that time......" and I would continue the story, bring out the challenges, the experience I acquired, and how the skills learned have proven to be valuable. During the moment of reflection, I saw my mom's face light up, apparently in approval of my recognition of concepts that are practical to real life situations. Those are moments I hold proudly in the palms of my hands, and store in my heart, and will always cherish the moonlight reflection on my Mama's face when she smiled.

When I was away from my parents, my mother always encouraged me to see my absence as a learning process. When I came to my mother crying about being battered, she urged me to be patient in going through the period. Her words echoed whenever I am faced with situations and they served as a cushion and energizer: "Musue, bear patience. Remember that you are there for a reason. Just do what you have to do and then later in life, after you have learned and moved on, you will not face those difficulties and challenges." My mother saw life as an education that begins from our birth. Those days when my mother uttered those words, I would assumed she was either not listening, or was taking lightly what I was saying. However, I would listen to her 'phrase," but would still ask, "Ma please pray so that it will not happen again." Then she would take me into our favorite prayer ritual. She assured me and would begin praying that I would travel on the road to success, peace and happiness. Such affirmations while sitting close to my mother or sitting on her lap would transport me on a golden road, and sometimes to a paradise. We would reflect on my great, great grandmother, whose name I had become familiar with, even though I never saw my great, great grandparents, or my grandparents.

Over the years, people keep asking me several questions about my life. One question remains at the pinnacle: Who is or are your role models or your mentors? I find it quite impossible to provide a two worded response to the question. In truth, unless the question has to do with a particular issue, I may attempt to provide at least two names as my mentors or role models, but deep down, I muttered the names of other persons, including my parents. As the Chinese proverbs states, I strongly believe, A Child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark." My life is shaped by many persons and numerous events. In all of the stages and events in my life, many persons played one or more roles that influenced events or shaped my life. As a result, I looked deeply at my life whenever I'm asked about my role models or mentors. My mentors are people who have lead me through an important phase or phases in my life. My mentors include friends, teachers/lecturers, relatives, and people I met at places, or while at the cross roads in life. I see mentoring as a great responsibility and require a deep understanding of issues, and admiration and indisputable desire to help those they purposely or unknowingly mentored. As I realized, mentoring encompasses all that a situation requires and even when I just followed my mentor, if I didn't reach my goal, I found myself a few steps away from my goal. Another important experience I learned about mentoring is that, sometimes mentors do not lead us to any goal but they selflessly teach us the way of life. To each person(s) who have held my hand, or pointed me in a direction, I am grateful. While a few of my mentors may try to discount the impact they made on my life, I see all teaching and learning processes- whether big or small, short or long as enormous, because they positively touched my life and made a positive difference in my life. It is that positive touch that I hope to share with many others. Each of my mentors played his/her role at different points, based on what was happening in my life at that time, and sometimes, continue to guide me. My first role models and mentors are my parents, though whenever I didn't understand their insistence, like most teenagers, I would become stubborn, but deep within, I admired and loved my parents very much, and I knew that they loved me too. My parents also knew that I loved them too!

From my parents, I learned about the power of love and the importance of hope and the value of faith. I understood from my parents that love is important. Looking back at my past, my parents believed that expressing unflinching love is vital to nurturing a child's development, building a relationship, communicating and understanding the child, and also allowing them to be creative. I also learned that though it is important to love a child, it is also important to discipline a child. Discipline is a way to teach a child that there are barriers in life that we must recognize and respect. In addition, discipline teaches a child rights from wrongs, so that they can grow up to be productive and responsible citizens. Another important lesson I learned from watching my parents was their ability to cope with challenges in their individual and collective lives. Though they came from different backgrounds, in spite the trials and challenges they faced, they never gave up on life. I guess that experience helped shaped my life and do have a bearing on my own view and attitude about life.

My experiences during my childhood, and teen years genuinely helped shaped my life in many ways. If asked whether there's anything I would want to change about my teen years, my response would be an unsteady "No." I would probably want to always be in the presence of my parents, while on the other hand, I will embrace my teen years, and the twists and turns I experienced that helped me learned a lot of valuable lessons about life. The experiences in my childhood and teen years provided me valuable insights, and continue to guide me into being who I am today. I am confident that the events from those years will continue to serve as guiding light for the days, years and life ahead. I must admit that some of the experiences in my late teen and adult years are painful. Those experiences include the senseless war in my homeland, Liberia; my life as a refugee during the war - being away from my families, and then losing my parents while in exile, are experiences that words are inadequate to express. Although my father did not live to see my work, my mother saw some aspects of my work. However frightened it was, my Mama did not in any way discourage me from pursuing the things I believe, and doing what was right, in spite the daring challenges in promoting human dignity. She encouraged me to persevere, and not to compromise. My Mama's conviction and subtle support, in spite her fear for my safety, continue to be a driving force in both my professional and personal life.

Today, as I sit back and look through the eyes of my teen years, I long to have one more chance to climb the trees that stood gallantly on the land I grew up, waiting to take me for a ride. I want to feel the soft, dark soil on the land where I was born between my toes. I want to play with the dogs, chase the chickens, and run among the shades provide by the trees. I want to bite through one of the freshly harvested fruits from the land on which my navel string was buried. While I may go on wishing and yearning, I know that it is almost impossible to have those dreams and wishes fulfilled. That's simply because my family heirloom and all documents, and all materials of our past, including documentation of my parents' land is one of the casualties of the senseless war that engulfed my homeland. As a result of the war, all documentations to prove that my parents owned the land were destroyed, and some persons took advantage of the absence of the documentation, and resold the land.

After several years of being away from home, I look back on my life, my childhood and teen years with mix emotions: the desire to have just one more time to sit on my dad lap, brush his hair and hear him sing to me; and to sit with my mother as she again take me thorough our story telling rituals- reminding me of my heritage, and her positive affirmations that I will walk on the golden road to success. As I look through the eyes of my childhood, and teen years, and how those years influenced my growth and development, it is my hope that parents, caregivers and families will inspire the childhood and teen years of those in their care. I also hope to instill in my son and all children the values I learned from my parents, and my mentors. Research and experience have proven that the first years are the best! That's simply because, childhood and teen years greatly influence a child's psychological, social, emotional and overall growth and development. The experiences from childhood and teen age years can have an impact on a person's view and outlook of life.

About the author: Musue N. Haddad is a Liberian Journalist/Photo-Journalist. She holds a graduate degree from George Washington University, and has worked both at home and outside of Liberia. She received several national and international awards for her journalistic practices and human rights work, including the Nelson Mandela Award for "Best Student in Photo-Journalism," Human Rights Award from the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area (UNA-NCA), for "outstanding dedication and service towards the recognition, promotion and protection of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family." and Human Rights Watch Hellmann-Hammett Award, granted to writers around the world who have been the targets of political persecution. In 1998/1999, she received the Press Union of Liberia "Journalist of the Year" and '"Photo-Journalist of the Year" awards.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Africa and America - How Does Culture Impact Teaching

Are you a teacher? Have you taught before? Did you teach in Liberia, Africa or in the United States? If you were from Africa, and then became a teacher in the great United States, you probably have been asked, not once not twice, not thrice, but many times about your philosophy of teaching. Coming from Africa, initially, when I heard people asking others about their teaching philosophy, I would hold my chin in wonderment at the idea of having a sort of well-designed, and highly favorably perfect teaching philosophy. Many days, I asked whether an effective teacher in the great United States was defined by an appealing philosophy of teaching. But then again, being an African who was in exile in the great United States, who was I to ask about "what makes a effective teacher in an American school system," that is celebrated by many in Liberia, Africa, and some in the great United States.

However, later when I joined the teaching profession, I had to answer this question; not once, not twice, not thrice, but many times. In fact, I became so accustomed to being asked this question, that I probably had an "elevator ride" response waiting to dish out. An "elevator ride" chat or response is a 'one minute' concise response used to grasp the attention of someone or sell an idea. Born in Africa, raised on the dark soil, taught by teachers who also "helped raised me up" because of our culture and practices that it takes a village to raise child, it tickled me to put down on paper my teaching philosophy. Well, it took me awhile to pretend to detach my innermost desire to empower kids, and bring in my African or sacred belief that "each child is a gift from God, and it is our duty to positively impact their lives, and treat them as God's little one, "while drafting my philosophy. The wonderful teaching philosophy is one that must be built on academic theories. However puzzling, I knew that it was the order of the day. As the saying goes, 'when you live in Rome, you must learn to act like a Roman," so there I was carefully crafting a winning teaching philosophy, and then learning to summarize it into an elevator pitch, or catch phrase used to sell an idea or marketing product.

The "elevator" pitch or chat is definitely not something I developed. No, no! It is a strategy I learned from the Founder and then Director of [New York] Columbia's University Human Rights and Advocacy Training Program, Dr. Paul Martin. Dr. Paul Martin, a human rights advocate, a teacher and lecturer would look directly in my eyes and say with his typical American intonation, "Musue, imagine that you walked to an elevator and meet someone who's also ready to get on the elevator. The person will be stopping on the 2ndfloor, which will take approximately a minute. That means you have just one minute to chat with this person; and that one minute to get the person interested in your idea or your project?"

When Dr. Martin gave me that exercise, I had to really sit and do my homework. The homework didn't take a day, or two. Frankly, it took me weeks. I couldn't stop asking myself, "How do I condense Human Rights situations in Liberia and West Africa to a one minute pitch, but yet keep it captivating to grasp the attention of human rights groups, and international stake holders?'Truly, that was an enormously whopping assignment. Many days I would stand before a mirror and practice for hours - trying to get the idea, the flow, and the jargons. I must admit that I failed many times, and found myself running back to my desk to edit, rewrite and then vice versa. If this exercise went on for weeks at home, you can imagine how many times I stood before the mirror, and the number of times I found myself running back and forth in my room like a lone soccer player.

However, after completing what I had thought was the 'finest" 'elevator ride' selling pitch, I passed my colleagues, many from Africa, and some from Europe, and I walked briskly into Dr. Martin's office without any prior appointment. I then demonstrated what I had prepared. A practical teacher, Dr. Martin didn't take a pen or pencil, neither did he take a chalk; but he stood there and said again, "That is good, but you can make it better Musue." I asked him, "How?" Dr, Martin asked me to look at the various human rights challenges in Liberia and West Africa. We started verbally listing some of what were then the most crucial that reflected on many aspects of human rights issues. The issues I looked at included the infamous September 18, 1998 incident that led to the killing of opposition politician, Madison Wion near the great United States Embassy in Monrovia in 1998, the 1997 killings of Samuel Dokie, his wife, sister and cousin by members of Charles Taylor's security forces. Also in 1998, there is the incident of Market woman Nowai Flomo who was considered, " "Disappeared," in spite reports that she was killed by members of Taylor's security forces, the incarnation of political persons, including Charles Breeze, Gbai Ballah, among others. The discussion also included the implications of these issues on the West African sub-region. Let me add that this discussion was taking place in 2000, and therefore did not include the beating of Cllr. Taiwan Gongle's or the arrest and torture of journalist Hassan Bility's and other incidents that occurred after early 2000, but the skills learned from Dr. Martin and other staff at Columbia University were instrumental in helping me contribute to drawing international attention to subsequent violations including Gongloe's, Hassan Bility's and the imprisonment of The News Newspaper editorial staff, among others.

On the day on the brainstorming exercise, Dr. Paul Martin asked me questions rather than give me answers. Those questions helped me to dig deeper into myself, and look beyond the surface of each incident and issues that were occurring in my homeland Liberia. Whatever responses I provided, he didn't critically assess my responses. Rather, he asked additional questions. He also told me, "Let me hear your thoughts, "adding, "Think aloud." My responses and thoughts led to more and more questions. When I prepared to leave Dr. Paul Martin's office, he was still seated on his computer desk calmly, and with a thin smile on his face. I turned around looked at Dr. Martin and for a moment, I thought, "here's a man who's caring nature reminds me of my people and my culture. But here he sits, and so much involved in my life, and the lives of my colleagues, including those from Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana and other areas. Yes, he wants freedom in my homeland Liberia, and on all countries on the African Continent and other countries around the world." My momentary pause might have caught the attention of Dr. Martin, but as he is always, he didn't abruptly interrupt my concentration. My concentration was broken by a sound of the keyboard. I then tilted my head in the direction of Dr, Martin, and asked in my innocent tone, "Dr. Martin, why are you so tolerant, and patient with me. I have taken up a lot of your time." Dr. Martin moved his hands from the key board, and said, "That is why I am here. I know you can do it Musue. The next time you are in class, or you come into my office, you will have the elevator ride selling pitch." I felt truly motivated by his response supported by his expression.

A day later, I sat in Dr. Paul Martin's class. Surprisingly, I was quiet, and for my classmates, and colleagues, and even my teachers, that was "far from typical." I watched my colleague from Rwanda and the Democratic of Congo as they tried to take their wars and conflicts from the continent to the classrooms on Columbia University. Dr. Paul Martin, Holly Bartling and other staff at Columbia University didn't chastise them for openly or privately fighting one another, or blaming one another for the conflicts in their individual countries. I guess, I was too much concerned, or overwhelmed by my own burdens- the conflicts in Liberia. I also was seriously thinking that I could just complete my programs, open my big mouth about Liberia, and then pack up and return home, and be warmly received and applauded by Charles Taylor and his people for studying, making fine speeches, and my great presentations at panels and conferences, and my excellent networking skills with human rights organizations and policy organizations. In my busy-ness, I didn't take the time to lecture with both of my colleagues about their disagreement that had become awkwardly personal. On that day in class, both my colleague from Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo were at it again- though indirectly, but they somehow send responses to one another while responding to questions. At the end of the class, as usual, students gathered around Dr. Martin and other staff. As we walked out, I asked Dr. Martin, "Why did you decide to get into human rights teaching?" Dr. Martin's response was illustrative, catchy, but concise. When I asked that question, little did I know that one day, I would also be asked similar question.

While I may not be standing before a classroom, I consider myself a public educator. When I taught, that's when I stood before a classroom, and even today, when asked about my teaching philosophy, I think about the path that leads me to teaching. That's simply because, my philosophy of teaching is closely tied to my educational experience, occurrences in the real world, and my world, and who I am. Throughout the years I met effective teachers who pushed me to go beyond what I believed I was capable of doing and achieving. Also, I met teachers and other persons who made assumptions of what I was not capable of doing based on who they believed I was. However, I learned from both situations. The teachers who believed in me and others who doubted my capability - they helped shaped my teaching philosophy.

Educational Theories
As I reflect on teaching and learning and teachers, I think about a few educational theories, including Abraham Maslow theory of Human Motivation. "The fact is that people are good, if only their fundamental wishes are satisfied, their wish for affection and security. Give people affection and security, and they will give affection and be secure in their feelings and their behavior." [Maslow, Abraham]. When I read this quote by Abraham Maslow, it reinforced my belief that each and every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world. This concept is and remains the foundation of my education philosophy - both for the classroom, and in my public education undertakings.

As a teacher and an educator, I reflect on Maslow's quote and his notion of a hierarchy of needs: deficiency needs that people must meet in order to move on to growth needs that are never met, but rather expanded with experiences. I believe that a teacher should consider the needs of students, realizing that though deficiency needs is at the bottom of the pyramid, it provides the foundation for the growth needs of students. As I look at Maslow theory, I asked myself whether our illiterate parents and grandparents were actually subconsciously schooled about these theories, and therefore ensure that children from the community were fed, and taken care of before leaving home for school? I therefore have implicit belief that learning and motivation are interdependent, and the first step in guiding students and people in discovering who they are, and helping them develop their potentials.

Some of the questions that come to mind when I think about Maslow's theory about needs: How can someone who hasn't experienced hunger, poverty, or separation from family because of war successfully relate, or motive such child to learn? How can someone who lived under the wings of their parents, sleep in comfortable bed, eat sumptuous meals three times a day, have extra cash in their bank accounts, and carry credit cards that hold thousands of dollars, teach kids who are profoundly impoverished? I wonder how someone far from my culture and background, or someone who hadn't had the experienced I had as a child, would have taught me or view me in a school in the great United States? If that teacher found it hard to 'reach me,' would they have outright-ly written me off, or considered me un-teachable? These are questions that are yet to be considered in determining who's a good teacher in the great United States, or analyzing finely written Teaching Philosophies that are the first steps in recruiting teachers.

Unlike the great United States, in most African societies, the living and life styles of teachers are known in the community. The teachers are active member of the community, and therefore a part of everyday living in the community. Parents and students see and interact with their teachers on almost a daily basis. The teachers are not only available, but they are accessible to parents, and family members, as well as students. This "community' living, which is also reinforced by societal culture enables the teacher to understand the needs of his/her students, as well as help the student feel "comfortable' in the presence of his/her teacher. While there may be some disadvantage(s) to this concept, in many ways, it provides a human side to the teaching and learning process.

While there are divergent views on Maslow's theory, I believe that students do learn better and participate more when their basic needs are met, or understood. To breakdown this concept, ask yourself, "Is it possible to teach a child or someone who's hungry, cold, ill, disappointed or homeless?" If even as a teacher or educator, you cannot provide the student, or person, or people food on a daily basis, if you show genuine empathy to the student, or person, that compassion or understanding might motivate the child or person to come to school, participate, and learn. The student will say to others or to themselves: My teacher understands, or my teacher is with me. Teaching is not a job; it is a responsibility that requires some forms of relationship. For me, a teacher is one who is respectful, understanding, approachable, and supportive. The way I interact with students and people demonstrate my respect for them. For example, I never say anything derogatory to my students or people I interact with. I do not attempt to use my students or others (or any of their work) to demonstrate poor example. I illustrate understanding by listening to their needs, even if I am unable to comply or supply those needs. The reason for my outlook is obvious, when a child or person feels safe and comfortable, and motivated, I can then begin to assist or motivate that student to discover their strengths, and help them build on their weaknesses. When a student feels that he is understood, he or she can feel comfortable and motivated to express their own opinions and nurture their own ideas, they can become relax and lighten up to their environment.

Aside Maslow's theory, there is also another universal theory - The use of Multiple Intelligences theory, which also draws on the motivation of students' talents, thus helping teachers construct self-motivating educational experiences. Through creating educational experiences based on natural talents and gifts, I realize that I can increase the opportunities whereby students can become actively engaged in learning experiences that are interesting and responsive and motivational. The practicality of this theory is that "all human beings have strengths in certain areas, and that or those strength(s) can be used to motivate learning and in teaching certain skills. The practicality of this theory is that the teacher must appreciate the students' intelligences, whether the intelligences is at odd with their own practices. Imagine that you had the opportunity to teach the late American Musician Michael Jackson or the late Liberian musical star Tecumsey Roberts a mathematical skill. Which intelligence would you opt to use in teaching the musical star: would you use the Logical-mathematical intelligence or Musical intelligence? Of course, Roberts' talents as a musician would make it easier to teach him math using his musical intelligence. On the other hand, it may take you forever to teach singers MaYatta Zoe, Fatu Gayflor or Zaye Tete reading skills by using their Naturalistic intelligence. It doesn't take a scientist to know that though the singers possessed some Naturalistic intelligence, which has to do with classifying natural forms such as animal and plant species and rocks and mountain types; and the applied knowledge of nature in farming, mining, etc. but their strength lies in their musical (intelligences) skills. Therefore, to motivate learning, using their Musical intelligence (using reading notes to teach them songs, or asking them to use reading materials to write songs, and dance rhythms) would not only suffice, but proved successful. Using the naturalist intelligence would be motivational for those who have demonstrated interest in farming, gardeners, agriculture and related areas.

It is therefore important to note that the use of Multiple Intelligences also draws on the motivation of students' talents, thus helping teachers construct self-motivating educational experiences. Through creating educational experiences based on natural talents and gifts, I realized that I can increase the opportunities whereby students can become actively engaged in learning experiences that are interesting and responsive and motivational. Over the years, I also learned that every (school and public) classroom presents a unique community of learners that varies not only in abilities, but also in learning styles. That is why, I find Howard Gardner's theory that each individual manifests varying levels of different intelligences, and thus each person has a unique "cognitive profile." The use of the "cognitive profile" proved successful when I worked as a classroom teacher, and it has become relevant in my public education activities.

In order to be effective, each teacher must recognize that their role must include giving students the tools with which to cultivate their own area of knowledge. To accomplish this goal, I teach to the needs and intelligences of each child so that all learners can feel capable and successful. I present instructions that will include the interests of the students, and make learning relevant to life. I incorporate themes, projects, group work, individual work, and hands-on learning in order to make students active learners. In showing my students how to become responsible for their own learning, I am giving them the tools to become successful in life, to believe in themselves, and to love themselves, and to encourage creativity.

Real World Connection
Making real life and real world connection is also another important component of teaching and learning. Linking learning to activities and events in the world community has proven to help students become caring and active members of society, which can be achieved if one is tolerant of the views, the racial and other background of others. My vision in teaching and learning is to create an environment- whether in the classroom or a public arena - where we can learn to embrace our differences as the core of what makes life so interesting, make each person feel important and make a positive difference in the life of others. It has been established that education and information are ways for people to be empowered with the ability to accomplish things, and to contribute meaningfully to society. Personally, lifelong learning, and teaching have provided me the opportunity for continual learning and growth.

After many years, I sit back and reflect on Dr. Paul Martin's response to my question that cold day in the year 2000, when I asked him, "Why did you decide to get into [human rights] teaching?" As I look back, I can proudly say, "Dr. Paul Martin made a positive difference in my life." Not only did he use the Multiple Intelligences theory, he also used Maslow's and a series of other theories in teaching and empowering his students, including me to find our strengths; he and his energetic staff at SIPA building guided us on various ways to use our skills and knowledge to promote our work, and our societies. Most importantly, Dr. Martin built a relationship with each of his students, and made each feel exceptionally special to their home countries, to Columbia University campus, and to the world around them. His encouragement remains alive in me, and it is that positive touch that I endeavor to share with others, including my own son in my teaching and learning; it is an intrinsic part of my teaching philosophy-whether teaching in the classroom or the public arena.

About the author: Musue N. Haddad is a Liberian Journalist/Photo-Journalist. She holds a graduate degree from George Washington University, and has worked both at home and outside of Liberia. She received several national and international awards for her journalistic practices and human rights work, including the Nelson Mandela Award for "Best Student in Photo-Journalism," Human Rights Award from the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area (UNA-NCA), for "outstanding dedication and service towards the recognition, promotion and protection of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family." and Human Rights Watch Hellmann-Hammett Award, granted to writers around the world who have been the targets of political persecution. In 1998/1999, she received the Press Union of Liberia "Journalist of the Year" and '"Photo-Journalist of the Year" awards.