Friday, January 28, 2011


Hello there,

My name is Musue Haddad. I’m a mother, a professional and a problogger. This blog, one of four blogs, is in response to your request for my story, and secrets to raising my son, Michael. In this blog, I will discuss the beauty and challenges of raising my son, Prince Michael; what I learned on this journey, and how these experiences have reinforced my appreciation for being his mother.

The experiences have provided me a deeper understanding of the politics, and economics of the education system, as well as strategies to help me cope with societal demands and influences in being a [single]parent and a professional.

In this blog, I intend to use personal stories to delve in a wide range of issues, but not in the order outlined below:

. The challenge of being a single mother, and pursuing professional career
. Thrust the thrash, kick it, embrace the reward, walk tall!
. Keeping my eyes on the prize!
. The importance of being the first teacher to my child, Prince Michael
. Knowing/understanding my child - a key to everything.
. The politics and economics of the school system
. How much am I willing to compromise when it comes to my child?
. Finding a baby sitter, a school, a teacher, play mate, etc
. Single parent and vulnerability - the label attracts flies
. And many more real life experiences

As I begin this journey, I hope that my experiences, including the challenges I faced, and continue to face will give you some ideas, inspire you, and give you hope in raising your child, or as you help someone in raising a child.

Thank you for the confidence, and support. Visit my blogs and feel free to comment:

. - satarical
. - poems
. - Growing from Within